Ponyamon math

This is my math task as you can see it uncompleted but hope you enjoy.

Ponyamon 200 Word Challenge – Chronological Order (T4W1)

200 Word Challenge


The 200 Word Challenge is an opportunity to practice writing using just the right words. 200 Words might sound like a lot, but once you get going you’ll find yourself crossing that line easily, so be careful to only say what you NEED to. 

(This whole thing is over 100 words already)


For Week One your challenge is to write a 200 word recount of a time you…


Tasted the best food you’ve ever tasted.


Remember! This week we have been learning about chronological order. Make sure you get the sequence of events in the right order.


Begin your writing here: The most delicious food I have ever eaten in my life is probably sushi because there are many flavours that you could choose from. Nearly everything from a sushi store is delicious.  (Quick Fact) if you didn’t know sushi is made from a country called Japan. Why do I like sushi? You might be wondering, well the reason is that sushi has some very soft rice that tastes so good just like heaven and whenever I buy sushi the chicken is perfectly fried with amazing crunches added to it, sushi also has fish and vegetables to make it even better, sometimes a whole meal if you like it! The sushi design is commonly found as a circle with seaweed wrapped around it and then some rice and toppings. Did you also know that sushi can also come in boxes just with rice and chicken, something like a meal. If you wanna try it out then just say you want teriyaki chicken on rice and you will see some sauce that has been placed on top of the teriyaki chicken which has been placed on top of the rice. If you are a sushi enjoyer remember to leave a blog post.

Immersion Assembly 2023

It’s the start of term 4 after two weeks with the bright sunny shine above in the skies.    Which I knew  that we were going to have an immersion assembly upcoming in around 1 or 2 hours! 

The immersion assembly had different teams coming together where the teacher played a movie  or a short show to describe what they might be learning or focusing on. 

Some of us students in team 4 got excited for this upcoming Immersion  Assembly because this Immersion assembly most likely happens once a term. It ticked 9:00 and team 4 and the other teams around the school got in lines walking to the hall. We sat on our class line waiting for it to start. 

But something caught me and some people. The ceiling was leaking and dripping water into a caged water tank. Hmm I wonder to myself this was interesting.  When the assembly started there was a poster on the projector saying something about leaking and climate change. 

Mr Burt , Mrs Noah , Mr Jacobson and Mr Somerville made a short show talking about leaking. As the Movie started Mrs Noah was frustrated about this leaking she then started complaining about this leak so guess what Mr Sommerville came in the hall with a pipe and gave this transparent pipe to Mr Jacobson, Mr Sommerville then  told Mr Jacobson to hold an Transparent pipe and hold the pipe inside the water tank. Mr Sommerville went outside holding the other side of the pipe and then started filling water through the pipe to make the water come down slowly. People were amazed by how that happened. Next second Mr Sommerville came from outside to inside next thing you know the leaked stop from the ceiling what do you think was there an switch?


Next show was a movie made by the  teachers of team 1. The movie  starts with a dog named Max always going crazy  so Mrs Shirly decided to call sofa which was a group of people that finds a way to stop dogs from going crazy and owners getting outraged.

Once Mrs Shirley finished dialling the number described how Max has been acting out lately. Well the sofa group got to work and they had an idea. The idea was to make a large wall stopping Max  from going to the neighbour’s yard. Do you think this was crazy?

The Next show was Team 2 and it was a movie of the teacher in the team coming to pt england wondering of them becoming a superhero that had ideas to make something like a fantasy out in their bay.


Now Team 3 shows, This show goes back to the stone ages where no technology was invented yet. Mrs Scalan first wakes up not knowing where she was but then she realised she was in the stone ages. She was shocked not knowing what to do. But she decided to be brave and check out the stone ages. There were dinosaurs and a woolly mammoth next to her wasn’t that crazy.  When she looked at herself using the reflection of the water she was in shock because her hair was wicky and she didn’t look so normal. Mrs Scalan then decided to catch fishes for her to eat, well she did get lucky catching several fishes to make her full enough for a great ending.


The next movie was team 4 and it was showing the pt england students finding ways to work with each other. There were interesting words such as teamwork because teamworks leads to great success and then there were parts showing the students of pt england finding ways for the other people  at pt england to have a better school and better view with some joy on their faces. Now that Team 5 shows well it wasn’t really a show or a movie to me it felt like a song because this was a remix of Bob The builder isn’t this Hilarious.  The song went something like Pt England can we fix it Pt England yes we can!