WALT: Continue a number pattern by understanding how the pattern was created.
This week for maths we have been learning how to continue on a number pattern and find the rule for how it was created. Please check out my slides to see our activity!
WALT: Continue a number pattern by understanding how the pattern was created.
This week for maths we have been learning how to continue on a number pattern and find the rule for how it was created. Please check out my slides to see our activity!
Task description: This week for reading we have been learning about our feelings and how these are linked to our emotions. One story that we read this week was called Wild Things by Renata Hopkins. While we were reading we were learning how to make connections with what we already know in order to understand the text in more detail. We had to think about what we knew about feelings and relate this to what we were reading. Above is my follow up task for the story Wild Things.