Ponyamon Response To Text Future Planet

 Mars –

Our New Home?


Think carefully about each question, and use evidence from the texts to support your conclusions. Write your answers in full sentences, and use explanations and examples where needed.


Surface Level: Find the Answer in the Text

  1. What are some similarities between Earth and Mars?


The Similarities between Earth and Mars are nearly the same. It’s just that Mars is much colder at the point of -65 degrees. Did you know that Mars has ice and when the ice melts it turns into a source of water supplies. So that means there could be life on Mars. Something also similar is that on the surface of Mars there are sand dunes which can also be found on Earth.


  1. Humans would find it challenging to live on Mars without what?


Something that can be challenging for humanity is that the freezing point on Mars is much colder than how earth would normally be. So humans would most likely need a Warm clothing and food source because you would starve there on Mars.


  1. What are the 3 things that the article says are making our planet Earth unlivable?


Pollution, Climate change and over uses of natural resources is impacting the earth and as each year passes by pollution will start impacting a lot of lives. Climate Change will change the patterns of earth and overuse is going to damage the earth.


Inference: Use Clues from the Text to Think of an Answer

  1. Explain in your own words why scientists are exploring the possibility of a move to Mars?


Scientists are exploring Mars to find out if humanity will be able to live there because earth is slowly starting to die because of overuse,pollution and climate change.


  1. What are some challenges that humans would face if there was a move to Mars?


Some Challenge human would face is oxygen the reason is that the oxygen in mars is believed to have so much carbon dioxide that the carbon dioxide blocks the reaction of oxygen.


  1. Why do you think plants will be so important to the terraforming of Mars?


There’s are reason why we need plants and trees on Mars because as you know we can barely breathe in Mars but if we put trees on Mars then the tree can absorb the Carbon Dioxide then when the trees do that it can produce oxygen for us to breathe. 


Unfamiliar Words: Clarifying Language that may cause Misunderstanding


Word Sentence from the text Definition 
Enthusiast A planet called Mars, located 342 million kilometres away from Earth, has captured the imagination of scientists and space enthusiasts alike.  As an example, enthusiast is when someone is interested or can be thrilled to learn new things and discover.
Potential Mars holds the potential for us to explore and perhaps even call it our new home someday. Potential is when something could most likely be when there could be a chance to happen into the future.
Abundant While Earth is beautiful and abundant, we must face the reality that our actions are harming our planet. Pollution, climate change, and the overuse of natural resources are making Earth less livable. For  example in the solar system if we look at earth it is abundant because there’s barely any other earth.
Generate We would need to find ways to grow food, create sustainable habitats, and generate the resources necessary for survival. Generate when it is produced or when something has been created.


Global Inferencing: Making Connections between the Text and the Wider World


Would you want to be one of the first people living on Mars?

Come up with solid reasons for your choice, and provide evidence, and examples to support your reasons.


If I had a request to go to Mars then I would most likely  accept the request to discover the future home. I want to discover Mars because I want to see what surrounding it and the possibility of living on it. Being the first to discover will be great so I can also give information of how it feels on Mars. I also want people to know what it feels like on Mars. There could be a reason why we might have to go to Mars and that reason is that pollution spreads around and that can cause earth to rapidly die and fade away. So thats why it’s a good reason. But if all of us work together to rebuild and stop the pollution then I think I would like to stay on earth. One scary part of pollution is that we all might have to move to Mars and there could be a malfunction on the rocket causing people to pass away. 

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